Skydiving Leadership Workshop


If you have the ambition to be a skydiving LO or coach or if you simply want to widen your skillset as a skydiver there are not many places to turn. For this course you come to progress as a leader.


In this three day course I will hold an introduction education in theoretical and practical subjects connected to responsibility taking in Skydiving. We vary jumping with theoretical classes where you prepare yourself for being the responsible person of your group and on the aircraft. You will not learn how to fly. You will learn how to learn, listen, teach and how to take decisions based on knowledge as opposed to speculation. After this course, you will look at skydiving with from a wider perspective, with more confidence and larger awareness.

+ The theoretic parts includes

Forecasting Meteorology & Geography
Teaching and learning
Decision making and its psychology
Briefing and debriefing
Communication skills on the DZ, jump, post jump
Understanding your aircraft
Skydiving aerodynamics
Emergency procedures
Role playing potential stressful scenarios on the ground

+ The practical exercises includes

Spotting for the whole load
Leading movements
Role playing coach/student roles
Canopy Pattern visualisation
Awareness Improvement

The course is in English language and will cover many skydiving topics in depth. Without having a vocabulary of common skydiving and aviation terms - the course can be overwhelming. Please advice before you sign up, and take responsibility that you've done your homework before attending the course - so we don't have to teach you the absolute basics.

I offer online support before and after and access to exclusive documentation to be studied ahead of the workshop.

To join this course join my newsletter and/or contact me and I’ll match you with other participants.